Search and Rescue Dog Training Given to Serinhisar Vocational School Students

Serinhisar Vocational School Emergency and Disaster Management Program Students were given a training on search and rescue dog training by search and rescue dog breeder and dog trainer Tevfik Gül.
Gül explained all the stages of the training, starting from the issues to be considered in dog selection until the dog goes on search and rescue operations, and shared his experiences about the February 6 Earthquakes with the students. Emphasizing that the selection of dogs with high play instinct and active dogs in dog training facilitates the training process, Gül said that the dog, which is selected as a 5-6 month old puppy, can start search and rescue operations after an average of 18 months of training, and that it provides more benefits when the dog is constantly rewarded with games and reward mechanisms during the training process. During the February 6 earthquakes in Hatay, they located a large number of people with their dog named Alfa for 5 days, stating that there are 58 accredited search and rescue dogs in Turkey, Gül stated that he trained the dogs he works with to search both in nature and in the rubble. He added that no technological device gives as accurate a signal as the nose of a search dog.
After the theoretical information was given in the training, which was in mutual dialogue with the students, it was also shown practically how the dogs detected alive in the rubble in the DESKİ Urban Search and Rescue and Occupational Safety Training area.
The training ended with the presentation of the certificate of appreciation to Tevfik Gül by Vocational School Assistant Director Lect. Burcu Özkan.

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