PAU's Examplary Plan on Gender Equality

PAU announced the PAU Gender Equality Plan, which is based on gender equality practices. Within the framework of this plan, studies will be carried out to raise awareness of gender equality for academic and administrative staff and students at the University. PAU will continue to maintain its responsibility of serving as a model for the society in the field of gender equality.
Assoc. Dr. Tanrıöğen said that according to PAU Gender Equality Plan, it is aimed to reach the targets in the plan between 2022 and 2025. Tanrıöğen said that the concepts of sex and gender are different, that sex includes our biological features and that these features are scientific facts and do not change, and that gender has blinding features consisting of learned simple assumptions that vary from person to person, inconsistency and logical errors, and therefore it is necessary to contemplate on the roles of women and men. She said that the stereotypes we use in daily life should be questioned in order to overcome the obstacles to women's employment. Stating that discrimination is made through language, Assoc. Dr. Tanrıöğen said that from the moment a language is acquired, it is lived with reference to this store of presuppositions, so we come across many sexist expressions that are uttered without thinking. Assoc. Dr. Tanrıöğen stated that it would be good if a graduate program including women's studies should be opened immediately. She said that in order to ensure a safe life on campus, preventive measures should be taken on issues such as sexual abuse and sexual assault, harassment and mobbing, establishment of accessible contact points, sexual and gender-based harassment, mobbing and slander in the workplace. Reminding the UN's statement "Make positive discrimination until this number is equalized and takes it further", she underlined that they prepared PAU Gender Equality Plan accordingly.

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