PAU KIMER Trains Academic and Administrative Unit Communication Representatives

Following the introductory meeting held with the communication representatives of academic and administrative units in the past weeks, Pamukkale University (PAU) Corporate Communication Application and Research Center (KIMER) officials gave technical information about news, photography, social media and websites to the communication representatives of the units in the second meeting.
Within the scope of the training program held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, İsmail Çetişli Conference Hall, various technical information on topics such as basic techniques in press release and news production process, social media, website and content management, news photography and video shooting techniques were shared with PAU's academic and administrative unit communication representatives.

The trainings started with the opening speech of PAU KİMER Director Prof. Dr. Eylin Aktaş; PAU KİMER Deputy Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin Bozkurt's presentation on 'Social Media, Website and Content Management', Lecturer Büşra Kırmızıoğlu's presentation on 'Basic Techniques in Press Release and News Production Process', and Photojournalist Ümit Ayaz's presentation on 'News Photography and Image Shooting Techniques'.

At the end of the program, the officials who shared the basic techniques of news writing, news photography and social media use with the communication representatives of the units answered the questions of the representatives.

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