'Parliament Simulation' Event Organized at PAU Faculty of Law
Pamukkale University (PAU) Faculty of Law and Law Society organized the Parliament Simulation event, an event where students experience the legislative activity and witness the law-making process, see how the ideal parliament will be realized in an environment of tolerance and compromise, and apply it in practice.

The Pamukkale University Parliament simulation event, which will take place between May 3-6 and organized for the first time in Denizli, started with the opening ceremony held at the Faculty of Education Melek Sözkesen Conference Hall. After the moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem, the program continued with opening speeches.
ADHOC Association Coordinator Güçlü: “You will all be deputies for four days here. You will represent different parties.”
Justice Democracy and Law Based Studies (ADHOC) Association Coordinator Şebboy Deren Güçlü said the following in her speech: “When I look at the Pamukkale University team here, as a result of an incredible organization of 5-6 months, both the council members and the academy team, our organization team, our sponsorship team, they have really put forward a very good work and they will create a really beautiful organization. You will be experiencing this for the next four days. I really hope that you will have a great time and enjoy yourselves. You will all be MPs here for four days. You will represent different parties. However, there is one thing that we should not forget here is that I want you to have a pleasant time by meeting and having a pleasant time together within the framework of friendship without offending each other, hoping and ensuring that our friendship here will last. Please don't offend each other for one party in the plenary or in the commissions. I am sure that we will have a really nice organization. I wish everyone a pleasant legislative period.”
Dean Prof. Dr. Karadeniz: “In this simulation, our students will examine the law proposals, discuss them, exchange ideas and learn the function of the legislature.”
Dean of the Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. Hülya Kabakçı Karadeniz stated the following in her speech: “As the Faculty of Law, our aim is to train lawyers who have the competence to solve legal problems theoretically and practically by adopting universal legal principles and human rights. For this reason, the parliament simulation is very important. In this simulation, our students will examine law proposals, discuss, exchange ideas and learn the function of the legislature. It is important for our students to be present and take an active role in legislative activities and to express their opinions freely. Members of parliament from different faculties take part in the parliament simulation event. However, it should be noted that lawyers are more interested in parliament. When the 28th Term Deputies' Professions are analyzed; it is seen that most business people, lawyers and academicians take place in the TBMM. The fact that 20% of the MPs are lawyers is proof of this interest. Both our Student Communities and the Dean's Office organize workshops, panels, trainings, conferences and trips in numerous academic, social, cultural and similar fields throughout the year. The educational activities and successful events carried out by our faculty are the result of the harmonious cooperation and joint efforts of the relevant public institutions and organizations that contribute to the university and education, our Rectorate and Denizli Bar Association. I would like to thank our rector, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, for the great support they have given both for our faculty to have a better physical space and academic staff and for the interest they have shown in our activities. Law Society Advisor Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Fatih Yurtlu and the students of the Law Society for organizing such an event and I wish the parliament simulation to be productive.”
Pamukkale District Governor Bulut: “The contribution of a quality legal education provided in the lawyer service to the manifestation of justice in social life can never be denied.”
Pamukkale District Governor Uğur Bulut expressed the following in his speech: “We are in a situation where we personally see the effect of quality education in law faculties on public administration as a profession. Quality judges and prosecutors open our hearts when we read judicial decisions. Again, the contribution of a quality legal education given in the attorneyship service to the manifestation of justice in social life can never be denied. I congratulate all our faculty members and students who contributed to the organization of this activity.”
Bar Association President Demirdöğer: “If there is law, there is justice. If there is justice, there is peace. If there is peace, the economy improves, there is money, there is capital. Therefore, only and not only bar associations should speak out against unlawfulness.”
Adnan Demirdöğer, President of Denizli Bar Association, touched upon the following issues in his speech: “I would like to thank Mr. Rector the most. Since he took office, Pamukkale University has been working in an integration with both the people of Denizli, non-governmental organizations and public institutions. I sincerely congratulate Mr. Rector and wish him continued success in the future. Turkey has made a great progress in terms of judiciary and physical sense. We see this as practitioners, it is an undeniable fact. However, has Turkey been able to realize the revolution and thought it desires in terms of law? No. I regret that this success in the physical sense has not been realized in the mental sense. With the exception of judges, prosecutors and our friends in other practices, we see that the revolution in the judiciary in the minds has not been realized. What does this mean? I am talking about a Turkey where the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights are implemented, but the decisions of the Constitutional Court are not. It is not possible to accept this, dear friends. Regardless of the person's political views, when our friends, judges and prosecutors, receive a file, they do not consider the person's race, language, political opinion or lifestyle, and are only interested in the file. But unfortunately, as we see in some files, we see that people are criticized for their political thoughts and some court decisions about them are not implemented. As the Denizli Bar Association and especially as the President of the Denizli Bar Association, I say that there is no right or left in the judiciary. Judges decide based on the file before them. In this context, it seriously saddens me as a lawyer to see that the decisions of the Constitutional Court are not applicable. If there is law, there is justice. If there is justice, there is peace. If there is peace, the economy will improve, there is money, there is capital. Therefore, it is not necessary for only bar associations to raise their voice against unlawfulness. Because if there are different practices in Turkey, the business world will suffer the most and there will be no investment. For this reason, the entire industry and business world must raise their voices against this unlawfulness. It is not enough for bar associations to make their voices heard. Therefore, my dear friends, a new constitution is currently being worked on. I wish this event to be beneficial, with my longing for a Turkey where general rights and freedoms are fully guaranteed, the judiciary is less criticized, and the legal profession is given the necessary respect. Thank you very much."
Rector Kutluhan: “What we call democracy really passes through the parliament. "This is an institution that has registered itself with the motto that sovereignty belongs unconditionally to the nation, and the Turkish Grand National Assembly is the hero of July 15, as well as the hero of the National struggle."
Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan noted the following in his speech: “With the latest accreditation, Pamukkale University has become one of 70 universities out of 208. This pride is due to the contribution of all academic-administrative staff and all students at our university. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this process. Accreditation is a document issued by the Higher Education Quality Board. This document is the "Institutional Accreditation" document. With this document, our University was included among the universities accredited in the OSYM guide. What does this mean? This means that the diplomas received from Pamukkale University will be valid tomorrow in Europe and America. Therefore, I wanted to share such joy at this event. Because Pamukkale University is not the place it deserves. It is a university that needs to rise higher. Because Denizli is in the top ten in Turkey, I think it would be an exaggeration for Pamukkale University to be in the top ten, it should watch out for the twentieth place. We will do our best for this, but maybe these young people, who are our future, will show us these twenties. Because the activities they have done are truly magnificent. I am very proud of the student communities of our university. When we say let's meet with communities, we can meet immediately. Community leaders are coming, their deputies are coming. This shows that we are a very active university and our students are very conscious. Now, for example, we will march on Palestine. Yesterday, twenty-two groups came immediately, they came within two hours and we talked together about what we would do. I'm very proud. This means that our students are not satisfied with the current level of Pamukkale University. Hopefully, the work they have done will take our University to the top twenty and we will be proud of them. What we call democracy really passes through the parliament. The Turkish Grand National Assembly is an institution that has registered itself with the motto that sovereignty belongs unconditionally to the nation. The Turkish Grand National Assembly is the hero of July 15, as well as the hero of the War of Independence. I am proud of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, I wish it to live forever. On the other hand, let me share a little memory of mine. I went to America in 1996. Of course, where we went in America, the forest areas were a whole with the city and nature. They told me: Teacher, squirrels come and sit next to you here, don't do anything to them. There are huge penalties for doing anything to them. I said, "What kind of a free world is this?" It is impossible not to be amazed, but as we have seen recently, we are all watching how the Palestinian rallies in American universities are receiving a response. This situation also showed us that democracy is not always the same everywhere. Therefore, nations can make serious decisions to protect their own existence and to ensure the maintenance of their states. “We should not deny this either.”
Rector Kutluhan: "I believe that the Turkish Grand National Assembly is an institution that protects the indivisible integrity of Turkey, that this institution should be protected, and that this institution should be empathy rather than simulation."
Rector Kutluhan continued his words, “We all know how the Republic of Turkey was established and we know very well what decisions the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk made. Therefore, I believe that the Turkish Grand National Assembly is an institution that protects the indivisible integrity of Turkey, that this institution should be protected, and that there should be empathy rather than simulation of this institution. Now, on this matter, our speaker said, do not make a fuss. So I said to our Bar Association President, how will this work be done without fights and noise? Now I analyzed it like this. In the simulation, there is no fighting or noise because it is being imitated, but there is empathy. Empathy is the behavioral model of putting yourself in someone else's shoes. So let's start a little fight and let us know. Our Pamukkale University is carrying out serious work in every field, its biggest works are this institutional accreditation in the coming days; We express that we need to reduce it to department, main science and faculty accreditation. We have a Faculty of Medicine where we achieved this. Our Faculty of Medicine has now achieved such success with its diploma with the TYÇ logo, "get your diploma and travel the world", and we expect this work from our other faculties and we want to raise our University to a certain level. On the other hand, we also have many differences in our education model. I think this difference stems from Pamukkale. Pamukkale is unique in the world, and some things are unique at Pamukkale University. For example, there is only one problem-based education in Turkey, and that is at Pamukkale University. We need to appreciate this and switch to problem-based learning with our education model. For example, the parliamentary simulation is a very good example of this. We need to be able to implement the problem-based education model on the basis of all faculties and departments. The announcer on NTV said to me: Well, sir, there is Hacettepe, there is Istanbul. I said: If Pamukkale were in Istanbul, it would be Harvard, it's a matter of population. But despite this, we are at the point of making Pamukkale University the first university that comes to mind among truly enviable universities. I would like to express our determination on this issue from here and from the Parliament rostrum. Hoping that this Assembly Simulation will bring good things and set a goal for our students' future dreams, I end my speech and offer my respects.”
Deputy Erdoğan: “Our Rector also mentioned it, problem-solving studies need to be done. I think this event held here today is very important in this sense.”
22nd and 23rd Term Denizli Deputy Mehmet Salih Erdoğan noted the following in his speech: “I worked as a lawyer for thirty years. I served as a member of parliament for nine years. I have been both in a place where the law is applied and in a place where the law is made. When I graduated from law school, I didn't know what checks and promissory notes were. It was written in books, we had memorized it, but it had never come before us as an example of practice. Our rector mentioned that problem-solving studies need to be done. “I think this event held here today is very important in this sense.”
After the opening speeches, the program ended with the oath taken by PAU student Aleyna Ece Sönmez, the president of the simulation council, together with all the deputies to take their parliamentary oaths. The program ended with a tour of the exhibition hall.