"Domestic Communication and Combating Violence against Women" Training Held at Çameli Vocational School
In cooperation with Denizli Governorship, Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services, Çameli District Governorship, Çameli Municipality and Çameli Vocational School, a training on "Domestic Communication and Combating Violence against Women" was organized with the participation of Prof. Dr. Türkan Erdoğan as a speaker within the framework of the Action Plan on Combating Violence against Women.

Prof. Dr. Türkan Erdoğan, Head of the Department of Sociology at PAU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, stated that the main reason for domestic violence is the lack of communication, that a small problem between family members who cannot communicate turns into violence over time, and that children who take parents as role models are prone to violence in this context. Prof. Dr. Erdoğan also stated that the efforts to prevent the occurrence of violence can be reduced or individual violence can be prevented through awareness-raising and communication training at the individual level.