Conference on "KOSGEB Supports in Entrepreneurship - Students are Planning the Future Today"

Pamukkale University (PAU) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (İİBF) held a conference on "KOSGEB Supports in Entrepreneurship - Students Plan the Future Today" with KOSGEB Denizli Director Dr. Aziz Acar as the guest speaker.
KOSGEB Denizli Director Dr. Aziz Acar met with students at Pamukkale University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Martyr Infantry Lieutenant Bekir Can Kerek Conference Hall with the conference titled "KOSGEB Supports in Entrepreneurship - Students Plan the Future Today".

In the conference, which was held with the intense participation of students and faculty members, the supports provided by KOSGEB to entrepreneurs and especially to students were discussed. The student entrepreneur category was the center of attention of the students in the presentation, which talked about the details of the competitions, grants and entrepreneurship supports.

In the question and answer part of the conference, students found answers to their questions about KOSGEB supports. Answering the questions of the participants in detail, Dr. Acar stated that they always try to support young entrepreneurs within KOSGEB. The conference ended with the presentation of a gift to Dr. Aziz Acar by Prof. Dr. Ender Coşkun, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.

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