Career Talks Organized at DSBMYO

Organized in partnership with Pamukkale University (PAU) Denizli Vocational School of Social Sciences (DSBMYO), Department of Foreign Trade and Career Planning Application and Research Center (PAU KARMER), the Career Talks Conversation was held at the Hierapolis Conference Hall.
The event, organized in partnership with PAU DSBMYO and PAU KARMER, was attended by Career Center staff, Lecturer Ms. Ayşe Tuncer as a guest speaker. The event starting with Vice Head of the Department of Foreign Trade Lecturer Mükrime Öksüz Demirgubuz's opening speech emphasized the importance of the Career Planning Course, which enables students to discover themselves during their career planning stages.

Within the scope of the interview, the variables and dynamics that department students should consider in their career planning processes were discussed. The interview, in which our department students were informed about the digital career platforms that have started to be widely used in our country, the Human Resources Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, Career Gate and regional career fairs, continued with the introduction of the Career Planning Application and Research Center and the services it offers to students. At the end of the interview, questions from the students were answered. 

İlgili Haberler