Buldan Vocational School Organized an Exhibition Called 'Denizli Republic Era Educational Buildings'

Pamukkale University (PAÜ) Buldan Vocational School Architectural Restoration Program second-year students organized an exhibition titled 'Denizli Republican Era Educational Buildings', which they prepared within the scope of the 100th Anniversary of our Republic Activities, under the supervision of Lecturer Gamze Sayın.
Buldan Mayor Mehmet Ali Orpak, PAU Vice Rector Prof Dr Turan Karadeniz, Buldan Vocational School Director Prof Dr Yıldıray Turhan, Lecturer Gamze Sayın, Art History Department Lecturer Mustafa Ekmekçi attended the exhibition opening held at the PAU Prof Dr Hüseyin Yılmaz Congress and Culture Center Foyer Area. Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Prof Dr Murat Zengin, Denizli Metropolitan Council Member Merve Ayhan Koçer and Buldan Foundation Board Member Salih Atlamaz attended. Nine works on 'Republican Period Educational Buildings' were exhibited by second year students of Buldan Vocational School Architectural Restoration Department. In addition, a detailed 1/23 scale model of the Republic Numune School and a scale model of the Buldan 4 Eylül Primary School, one of the educational buildings of the early Republican period, were also presented. The model that the students worked on throughout the fall semester attracted great attention.

Buldan Vocational School Lecturer Gamze Sayın, who is the director of the exhibition, said that the purpose of the exhibition is "to show the importance given to education during the Republic period" and that "students have been working for this exhibition for a year within the scope of the 100th anniversary events of the Republic", Research Assistant Dr Mustafa Ekmekçi prepared the layout of the demolished Hisar Village school and Lecturer Erkan Baloğlu worked with the students in making models.

Based on the students' research on the sheets of Denizli Student Dormitory, Gazi Primary School, Sarayköy Gazi Primary School, Çal Gazi Primary School, Çal Ortaköy Primary School, Denizli High School, Çivril 30 August Secondary School, Buldan 4 Eylül Primary School, Hisarköy Old Primary School, old photographs, current usage and photographs of some buildings and plans and views were included. The exhibition, in which the period features, facades and plan types of the educational buildings of the Republic period were examined in Denizli, was open to visitors on 16-17 May.

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