Academic Opening Ceremony Held at DSHMYO

Denizli Vocational School of Health Services (DSHMYO) 2023-2024 Academic Year Academic Opening Ceremony was held on November 8, 2023.

Speaking at the ceremony, DSHMYO Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar İli mentioned the scientific and social activities carried out in the 2022-2023 Academic Year and also mentioned the physical works carried out. Assoc. Prof. Dr. İli said that the quality of the education offered by the school to the students is increasing day by day and thanked Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan and his team, PAU Hospitals Chief Physician and staff who always support them in this regard.

In his speech, Pamukkale University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Durmuş Akalın stated that health services vocational schools have a great role in providing qualified health personnel to the sector and that they are always ready to support as the Rectorate in this regard.

First Lecture Innovation Awareness in Healthcare

Prof. Dr. Sevgi Özkan, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, delivered the opening lecture at the academic opening ceremony. Prof. Dr. Özkan started her speech with the theme of "Innovation Awareness in Health Services" and touched upon the importance of innovation in health and preparation for change.

Describing the innovation processes in Turkey and in the world, Prof. Dr. Sevgi Özkan emphasized the need to keep up with the rapid change in health by expressing the innovation processes and asked everyone to question 'are we ready for change?'

At the end of the opening ceremony, Pınar İli, Director of the Vocational School of Health Services, presented a plaque to Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Durmuş Akalın and Prof. Dr. Durmuş Akalın presented a plate to Prof. Dr. Sevgi Özkan, who presented the opening lecture.

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