A Special Coin Collection Found in Aizanoi Antique City

Pamukkale University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Classical Archeology Department faculty member and Head of Aizanoi Excavation Committee Prof. Dr. Elif Özer announced that there is a unique coin collection in Aizanoi Ancient City located in Çavdarhisar district of Kütahya.
In the excavations carried out in the ancient city, which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List in 2012 and also hosts the best preserved Zeus temple, 651 silver coins were found in a jug. These artifacts, which are rarely seen in collections belonging to the Roman period, have been unearthed during excavations and field studies conducted under the coordination of Pamukkale University Archeology Department. It was recorded that rare silver coins were found in a jug during the “Aizanoi Penkalas Project”, where boats would be floated in the stream passing through the ancient city, as in the Roman period.

Prof. Özer said: "Among these silver coins covering the century of the Roman Republic Period, there is also a fake coin made in that period. In this respect, among the coins that make the collection more special, there are also coins belonging to Julius Ceasar and Brutus. These silver coins, depicted as the scene of the father of Aeneas, the legendary mythological founder of Rome, entering Italy, are a coin album of the last century of the Roman Republic period. It constitutes a very special and unique collection."

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