Prematurity Day Celebrated with Activities at PAU Hospital

Many people participated in the event celebrated with premature families, Neonatal Team and prematurely born children in Pediatrics Service of PAU Hospital.
In his opening speech, Prof. Dr. Özmert Özdemir, Faculty Member of the Department of Pediatrics, said; "Babies born before 37 weeks of gestation are defined as premature babies. Annually, 15 million premature babies are born worldwide. Approximately 11% of all babies born in our country are born prematurely, and approximately 25% of these are defined as severely premature babies. The earlier these premature babies are born, the more problems they face, because these babies are very sensitive and very gentle. From the moment they are born, these babies are taken to the neonatal intensive care unit and their doctors, nurses, mothers and fathers have a lot of work to do until discharge. Premature babies who can receive correct and appropriate treatment, care, nutrition, sleep, health and development follow-up can thus adapt to life and family life more easily. For this reason, World Prematurity Day is celebrated every year on November 17th to raise awareness of premature babies. As the neonatal intensive care unit, we wanted to draw attention to the problems of these babies and celebrate World Prematurity Day."

After the opening speeches, Prof. Dr. Selçuk Yüksel, Vice Rector and Faculty Member of the Department of Pediatrics, congratulated our donor Saffet Girgin, families of premature children, nurses and physicians for their selfless work and thanked everyone who contributed to the event.

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