Tan Textile Donates Second Ambulance to PAU Hospitals

An ambulance was donated to Pamukkale University (PAU) Hospitals by Tan Tekstil last September. The second ambulance donated by Tan Tekstil Chairman İbrahim Tan was delivered to PAU Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan.
Pamukkale University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Necip Atar and Prof. Dr. Durmuş Akalın, Dean of Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. Osman İsmail Özdel, Deputy Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çelik and Tan Tekstil Chairman İbrahim Tan received the second ambulance donated to PAU Hospitals.

Tan Tekstil Chairman Tan: "It is enough for us that one of the patients who will come here with the ambulance says 'God bless you'."

We donated an ambulance last year. The university had an ambulance, but we learned that it was not enough. Then we bought a second ambulance, and today we are delivering it to Mr. Professors and Mr. Rector. I hope it will be beneficial for the country and the nation. It is enough for us that one of the patients who will come here with the ambulance says 'God bless you'. Good luck to Pamukkale University. We are always with Pamukkale University when there is another need."

Rector Kutluhan: "What makes me happy is that he sees our need without us knowing."

Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan stated the following in his speech on the subject: "Mr. İbrahim Tan, Chairman of the Board of Tan Tekstil, has donated an ambulance to our University Hospitals for the second time. We are very happy that Mr. İbrahim Tan made this donation. What makes me happy under the gift is that he saw our need without us knowing. Seeing our need for a second ambulance, he surprised us by secretly preparing the ambulance. Today, I came to this visit without knowing that an ambulance would be given as a gift. This donation of his showed us what a great personality Mr. İbrahim Tan is. I thank him very much. May he be a source of healing for many patients."  

At the end of the visit, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan and his entourage visited Tan Tekstil, accompanied by Tan Tekstil Chairman İbrahim Tan.

At the end of the visit, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan presented a plaque of appreciation to Tan Tekstil Chairman İbrahim Tan.

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