PAU Hospital Cardiology Department Accredited

Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine Cardiology Department successfully completed the accreditation process and was accredited by the Turkish Cardiology Qualification Board on 26.09.2022. Members of the Turkish Society of Cardiology (TKD) are natural members of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

The accreditation of our cardiology clinic means that we are transparent and open to inspection in accordance with National and International standards in terms of education, training, clinical research and high-level service delivery.

Cardiology Dept. Head Prof. Dr. Dursun Dursunoğlu made the following statements about the process; "Our clinic has sufficient modern medical devices and technical equipment; It provides services in accordance with international standards with its expert faculty members. Current medical practices and developments are closely followed and implemented. Our cardiology clinic is an important center preferred for heart health in a wide region with its coronary angiography laboratory and arrhythmia laboratory serving 24/7 as a heart center.

Our cardiology clinic serves with service, coronary intensive care, angiography and arrhythmia laboratories, echocardiography (transthoracic, transesophageal, contrast ECHO), exercise test, Holter (ECG and blood pressure) and Tilt (Inclined table) test laboratories and polyclinics. Private examination appointments of the polyclinic and faculty members can be obtained from the secretariat or from the internet and our hospital website. In our clinic, patients who have had a heart attack (acute myocardial infarction) are performed 24/7 coronary angiography and primary balloon (PTCA) and stent procedures. Due to these life-saving procedures, our hospital is an important center preferred not only in our city but also in our region. Except for coronary angiography and balloon/stent procedures, neck and leg vessels (carotid and lower extremity arteries), renal vessels (renal artery) and other vessel angiographies, congenital heart holes (ASD, VSD, PDA) closure procedures with umbrella method, Stent valve insertion (TAVI) procedures and balloon opening (MBV, PBV) procedures with the catheter method can be performed. Temporary or permanent pacemaker implantation (implantation), shocker (ICD) or heart failure treatment pacemaker (CRT) , electrophysiological study (EPS) and treatment of arrhythmias (ablation, etc.) are also performed successfully. Right and left heart catheterization procedures and treatment and follow-up of patients with pulmonary hypertension are also performed. Our clinic provides support to the Sleep Center in our hospital within the scope of a multidisciplinary approach in terms of the evaluation of cardiovascular events."


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