October 29th, World Psoriasis Day

“October 29th, World Psoriasis Patients Day” is a day dedicated to psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis patients every year to “raise public psoriasis awareness and increase psoriasis patients' access to treatment”. The importance of this disease and its treatments are explained by PAU Hospital Dermatology Department. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Nida Gelincik Kaçar:

What is Psoriasis?

“Psoriasis” is a chronic disease characterized by rashes with psoriasis white dandruff on which the disease is named.

What Causes Psoriasis?

Although the exact cause is unknown, immune system, genetic and environmental factors are thought to be effective.

What are the Symptoms and Types of Psoriasis?

Symptoms of the disease vary according to clinical features.

The typical symptoms of “Psoriasis vulgaris”, the most common psoriasis clinic, are oval or round, silver-colored redness covered with dandruff. It is frequently located on the knee, elbow, scalp and coccyx. Sometimes it can be located in folds such as armpits, groin, under the breasts, between the hips, behind the knees, inside the elbow and neck (inverse psoriasis). It can be seen on the palms and soles of the feet (Palmoplantar psoriasis).

Apart from this, it can also occur in the form of inflamed rashes limited only to the palms and soles (palmoplantar pustular psoriasis), generalized rashes all over the body (erythrodermic psoriasis), and inflamed rashes such as acne all over the body (generalized pustular psoriasis).

Is Psoriasis a Systemic Disease?

Psoriasis is not just a disease that affects the skin. It causes a systemic inflammation in the body and is probably associated with an increased risk of many comorbidities, namely additional diseases, due to this systemic inflammation. These health problems include psoriatic arthritis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease), obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), mental illness such as depression/anxiety. The patient should be evaluated as a whole.

Is Psoriasis Contagious?

Psoriasis is NOT contagious!!! Unfortunately, patients are isolated by society because they are thought to be contagious.

Is There a Treatment for Psoriasis?

With the developments in the treatment of psoriasis, complete or almost complete clearing of psoriasis can now be achieved. However, as in other chronic diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure and similar, regular treatment is required.

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