Attention for Dessert in Ramadan Feast
There is very little time left until Ramadan Feast. Our people consumed two meals as sahur and iftar during the month of Ramadan, which lasts 30 days, and the preparations for the feast began. The hospitality and enthusiasm of our nation is an indisputable fact, but suddenly switching to overeating after a long Ramadan this holiday can endanger our health.

PAU Hospital, Department of Endocrinology Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Şenay Topsakal warned our patients about this issue and made statements: "During the pandemic and Ramadan, which lasted for 1 month, we see that our patients' eating habits have changed and they have become more prone to gaining weight. For this reason, starting from the feast, overeating should be avoided in the following period and they should not be inactive. Meals should be taken as small and frequent portions, especially fast food should be avoided. Breakfast habits should be as usual, but bread slices should be reduced for breakfast and sweets should be avoided. Tomato, cucumber, parsley, fresh pepper etc. raw vegetables should be consumed in abundance, low-fat cheese and boiled eggs should be preferred. Fatty foods such as sausage, salami, pastry, etc. should be avoided too. Instead of high-calorie drinks, water consumption should be increased and night eating habits should be abandoned. The diet should not be spoiled during the holiday.
All our citizens, especially our diabetes patients, should avoid consuming excessive sweets during the holiday. All our patients who need to diet, such as heart and kidney patients, diabetes and overweight patients, should not break their diet during the holiday. If possible, home-made sweets with low sugar should be consumed, large portions should be avoided, and sweet or sugar-free treats should be prepared for diabetics. (fruits, home-made juices, ayran…). Extremely hot and heavy meals pose a risk to our health. Tea and coffee should not be consumed too much, sleep should be given importance, excessive tiredness and insomnia should be avoided, and medicines should not be interrupted."
Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Selçuk Yüksel also wished all our people to have a healthy, peaceful holiday with their loved ones, and congratulated all patients and their relatives on Eid al-Fitr celebrating everyone's holiday.