PUSAT Team's Underwater Drone LURA to Contribute to Science
The underwater exploration and observation vehicle, which is the R&D work of Pamukkale University Underwater Technologies Team (PUSAT), was tested on Dalyan Iztuzu beach under the supervision of Sea Turtle Research, Rescue and Rehabilitation Center (DEKAMER).

LURA, the underwater exploration and observation vehicle that ranked 4th among 400 teams in the "Unmanned Underwater Systems" category at TEKNOFEST 2023, will serve science.
Designed by PUSAT Underwater Technologies team; Yiğit Turgut Argıtlı, Metin Baydarakçı, Ertuna Özderya and Yusuf Güngör, LURA, which can dive to a depth of approximately 100 meters in the open sea, can be used for the discovery and observation of sea turtles and sea creatures living in the region. Developed for underwater exploration and observation with the help of sensors and cameras, the vehicle can be used in underwater mapping studies and can move in every axis with 8 engines. While the vehicle instantly transfers the images it receives with the cable to the computer at the surface station, the battery on the device enables uninterrupted operation and data recording underwater for 2 to 4 hours.
Stating that it is very important to document the mysterious life of sea turtles under the sea, DEKAMER Director and PAU Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Yakup Kaska said, "We are testing how we can use the device developed by the Pusat Team on sea turtles. The team is also working on different devices such as devices that record the temperature and humidity of the nests or the beach. They are developing these devices for us to obtain scientific data for better protection of sea turtles. Therefore, we will be able to use these developed technologies here in the future."
Metin Baydarakçı, PUSAT Team member and project manager, stated the following about the team and the work carried out: "PUSAT Team, established in 2019, consists of a team of 4 people. Since its establishment, we have been working in the category of unmanned underwater technologies. We ranked 4th among 400 teams at TEKNOFEST 2023. We continue on our way to develop an unmanned underwater autonomous vehicle. The production of our vehicle was initially carried out for reconnaissance and observation purposes. Later, we will continue to develop our vehicle so that it can perform various tasks."
Yiğit Turgut Argıtlı, another responsible person of the project, said that they are working to monitor sea turtles and sea creatures more easily and to carry out academic studies. Argıtlı added that they need sponsors and investors in order to transform R&D studies into a better quality.
Designed by PUSAT Underwater Technologies team; Yiğit Turgut Argıtlı, Metin Baydarakçı, Ertuna Özderya and Yusuf Güngör, LURA, which can dive to a depth of approximately 100 meters in the open sea, can be used for the discovery and observation of sea turtles and sea creatures living in the region. Developed for underwater exploration and observation with the help of sensors and cameras, the vehicle can be used in underwater mapping studies and can move in every axis with 8 engines. While the vehicle instantly transfers the images it receives with the cable to the computer at the surface station, the battery on the device enables uninterrupted operation and data recording underwater for 2 to 4 hours.
Stating that it is very important to document the mysterious life of sea turtles under the sea, DEKAMER Director and PAU Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Yakup Kaska said, "We are testing how we can use the device developed by the Pusat Team on sea turtles. The team is also working on different devices such as devices that record the temperature and humidity of the nests or the beach. They are developing these devices for us to obtain scientific data for better protection of sea turtles. Therefore, we will be able to use these developed technologies here in the future."
Metin Baydarakçı, PUSAT Team member and project manager, stated the following about the team and the work carried out: "PUSAT Team, established in 2019, consists of a team of 4 people. Since its establishment, we have been working in the category of unmanned underwater technologies. We ranked 4th among 400 teams at TEKNOFEST 2023. We continue on our way to develop an unmanned underwater autonomous vehicle. The production of our vehicle was initially carried out for reconnaissance and observation purposes. Later, we will continue to develop our vehicle so that it can perform various tasks."
Yiğit Turgut Argıtlı, another responsible person of the project, said that they are working to monitor sea turtles and sea creatures more easily and to carry out academic studies. Argıtlı added that they need sponsors and investors in order to transform R&D studies into a better quality.