PAU LIFE Students Support DEKAMER Works

Within the scope of the project carried out by PAU Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Yakup Kaska, Director of the Sea Turtle Research, Rescue and Rehabilitation Center (DEKAMER), the care of the sea turtles coming to Dalyan Iztuzu Beach to lay eggs and the installation of satellite tracking devices were carried out with the support of PAU LIFE (HAYAT) Community Students.
Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Yakup Kaska, who is also the Advisor of Pamukkale University (PAU) LIFE Community, PAU LIFE Community members also supported the work done. In order to support the project, PAU LIFE Community Students participated in the 'Nest Protection and Transportation' studies of sea turtles at Iztuzu Beach. Students who supported the work carried out on Dalyan Iztuzu beach for 4 sea turtles to go out on the beach to make a nest also witnessed a sea turtle laying eggs live. PAU LIFE Community Students, who witnessed how applications such as shell care or body control of sea turtles are carried out after spawning, supported the nest caging processes with the awareness that the nest is very important for sea turtles that will lay eggs.

Within the scope of the later processes, the students experienced for the first time how the satellite tracking device, which can charge itself with solar energy, was attached to the sea turtle named 'Turkey 100'.

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