2 Finds from Stratonikeia Among the 10 Most Important Archaeological Discoveries of 2023

With the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and on behalf of Pamukkale University (PAU), two finds from the excavations in the ancient city of Stratonikeia, led by Prof. Dr. Bilal Söğüt, a faculty member of the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, were among the 10 most important archaeological discoveries of 2023.

Archaeological excavation, restoration and drawing works in Stratonikeia Ancient City and Lagina Sanctuary, which are carried out under the chairmanship of PAU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Archaeology faculty member Prof. Dr. Bilal Söğüt, continue 12 months a year, and excavation and restoration works continue in different structures and ruins from ancient times to the present day. In Stratonikeia, where there are dense ruins from nine different periods, in addition to the ancient period structures, especially the Turkish period artifacts and finds constitute an important group.

In the excavations carried out by Prof. Dr. Bilal Söğüt and his team, excavations in the Frigidarium section of the Roman Bath belonging to the Roman Imperial Period revealed building remains and finds dating from the present day to the Roman Period. Among these, the statue of Mousa Tersichore, one of the muses of the ancient period, representing dance, belonging to the mid-second century BC, and the footprints of three different children of different ages belonging to the mid-second century AD were among the famous artifacts.

2 Finds Ranked 6th and 8th on the List of 10 Archaeological Discoveries that Stand Out in Turkey in 2023

According to the results of the survey conducted by Arkeofili among archaeologists, the footprints of 3 children aged 2-3 on bricks from the 2nd century A.D. ranked sixth in the list of "10 Archaeological Discoveries Standing Out in Turkey in 2023", while the dancing statue of Mousa, made in the type of Philiskos, one of the famous sculptors of the ancient period, belonging to the mid-2nd century BC, ranked eighth in the list.

The finds, which provided important data on social life, architecture and plastic art of the ancient period, enabled Stratonikeia to become a center of interest with its artifacts unearthed in 2023, in addition to its ruins and settlement texture belonging to nine different periods.

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