PAU Faculty Members to Investigate Dim Cave
The project titled "Investigation of Holocene Climate Changes in Anatolia through Age, Geochemistry and Petrographic Analyses of Stalagmite Samples Taken from Dim Cave (Alanya-Antalya)" prepared by Pamukkale University faculty members was entitled to be supported by TÜBİTAK.

The project titled "Investigation of Holocene Climate Changes in Anatolia by Age, Geochemistry and Petrographic Analysis of Stalagmite Samples from Dim Cave (Alanya-Antalya)" prepared by Pamukkale University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Geography faculty members Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Oruç Baykara (Project Coordinator), Assist. Prof. Dr. Selahattin Akşit (Researcher) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umay Oğuzhanoğlu Akay (Researcher) from the Department of Archaeology, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) within the scope of "1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support Program - 2nd Period of 2022", was entitled to be supported.
Within the scope of the project, new paleoclimate records will be created through ageing, mineralogical and geochemical (stable isotope and trace element) methods to be performed on stalagmite samples from Dim Cave (Alanya) and climate and climate changes from ~12000 years ago (Holocene) to the present day will be investigated. In addition, the reflections of the Holocene-era abrupt climate changes, which are thought to have been experienced on a global scale, on Anatolia and the Eastern Mediterranean in a broader framework will be examined and the effects on human communities will be focused.
The duration of the project, which has important project partners from abroad, including Basel University (Switzerland), Durham University (UK) and National Taiwan University (Taiwan), is 2 years, and a total of 3 fellows, 1 postdoctoral researcher, 1 PhD and 1 master's student, are planned to take part.
Within the scope of the project, new paleoclimate records will be created through ageing, mineralogical and geochemical (stable isotope and trace element) methods to be performed on stalagmite samples from Dim Cave (Alanya) and climate and climate changes from ~12000 years ago (Holocene) to the present day will be investigated. In addition, the reflections of the Holocene-era abrupt climate changes, which are thought to have been experienced on a global scale, on Anatolia and the Eastern Mediterranean in a broader framework will be examined and the effects on human communities will be focused.
The duration of the project, which has important project partners from abroad, including Basel University (Switzerland), Durham University (UK) and National Taiwan University (Taiwan), is 2 years, and a total of 3 fellows, 1 postdoctoral researcher, 1 PhD and 1 master's student, are planned to take part.