"World Kidney Day" Event Held at PAU Faculty of Medicine
Pamukkale University (PAU) Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Nephrology gave a training seminar on World Kidney Day.

World Kidney Day has been celebrated on the 2nd Thursday of March with a different theme every year since 2006. The aim of World Kidney Day is to raise awareness of kidney diseases. The theme of 2024 World Kidney Day is "Optimal Treatment and Medicines with Equal Access for All". In order to take measures to prevent the development of the disease in children at risk of acute kidney injury and to ensure appropriate treatment when the disease develops, PAU Faculty of Medicine Pediatric Nephrology Department gave a seminar to pediatricians and nurses on the management of children with acute kidney injury, treatment methods, dialysis modalities on World Kidney Day.
Following the opening speech of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tulay Becerir, Faculty Member of the Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlknur Girişgen presented "Management of Acute Kidney Injury in Children" and then pediatric dialysis nurses Hatice Önal Çağlı, Rukiye Efe Şimşek and Özlem Şenocak shared their experiences on dialysis modalities and kidney transplantation, the best treatment modality for end-stage kidney damage. In the seminar, it was pointed out that if early diagnosis and treatment of acute kidney injury is not planned appropriately, irreversible chronic kidney damage develops and patients become dependent on dialysis or need kidney transplantation when they progress to end-stage renal failure.