1st Internal Medicine Days in Pamukkale will be held.

18 DECEMBER 2021
08:30 Opening
08:45-10:15 Chairpersons: A. Nadir YÖNETÇİ, Veli ÇOBANKARA, Sibel HACIOĞLU
gastroenterology; Approach to Liver Enzyme Elevation
-Case: Bahadır KARAKULA
-Differential Diagnosis: Halil YILMAZ
-Subject: Mustafa YILMAZ
Intensive care; Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Sepsis
-Case: Almila ÜYÜK
-Differential Diagnosis: Ülkü ARSLAN
-Subject: İsmail Hakkı AKBUDAK
10:15-10:45 Break
10:45-12:15 Chairmen: BeldaDURSUN,NilGULER
nephrology; Crecentric Glomerulonephritis
-Case: Erhan KAÇMAZ
-Differential Diagnosis: Mehmet MERT
-Subject: Mevlüt ÇERİ
Hematology - Approach to Leukocytosis and Splenomegaly (Update in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia)
-Case: Özlem KUTLU
-Differential Diagnosis: Hande OĞUL HINCAL
-Subject: Gulsum AKGUN CAGLIYAN
13:30-15:00 Chairmen: M. Semin FENKCI, Guzin F. YAYLALI
Endocrinology; Difficult Cases in Diabetes and Obesity
-Case: Ahmet KUTLUAY
-Differential Diagnosis: Ayşe Merve GÜLDÜN
-Subject: Şenay TOPSAKAL
Rheumatology; Diagnosis and Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
-Case: Asli BOZ
-Differential Diagnosis: Firdevs ULUTAŞ
-Subject: Uğur KARASU
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-17:00 Chairmen: Arzu YAREN, Gamze GÖKÖZ DOĞU
Oncology; immunotherapy
-Case: Ahmet ÜNLÜ
-Differential Diagnosis: Burçin DEMİREL
Pamukkale Internal Medicine Faculty Member Nadir YÖNETCİ (Mustafa YILMAZ, Veli ÇOBANKARA)
19 DECEMBER 2021
09:15-10:15 Chairmen: Mustafa ÇELİK, Burcu Y. TAŞKÖYLÜ, A. Gökçen DEMİRAY
verbal statements
10:15-11:15 Chairperson: Hakan AKDAM
Rational Use of Drugs – Davut AKIN (Rational Use of Antihypertensives)