Protocol Signed between PAU and Hasan Erbil Educational Institutions Directorate

A cooperation protocol was signed between the Rectorate of Pamukkale University and the Ministry of Justice Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses Personnel Hasan Erbil Training Center for the education and rehabilitation of convicts.
With the protocol in question, it was aimed to train qualified personnel needed by penal institutions and probation directors in order to increase the quality of execution services and to provide vocational training.

In the program hosted by Hasan Erbil Training Center, the protocol was signed by Pamukkale University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan and Hasan Erbil Training Center President Public Prosecutor Uğur Özbek.

Speaking about the protocol, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan stated the following: "As Pamukkale University, we attach great importance to integrating with our city in every field. We will continue to do our best as the only university of Denizli in order to improve the current situation. I wish this protocol to be instrumental for good."

Expressing his feelings and thoughts about the signed protocol, Hasan Erbil Training Center President Public Prosecutor Uğur Özbek stated the following: "We are pleased that the protocol we signed with Pamukkale University has been updated and renewed and we are pleased with the support provided by Pamukkale University. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the preparation of the protocol and wish the protocol to be beneficial."

Within the scope of the signed protocol; it is aimed that all personnel working in penal execution institutions and probation directorates have knowledge and skills in scientific, professional and technical subjects and adopt the common material and spiritual values of professional culture. With the signed protocol, it was planned to cooperate between Pamukkale University and the Training Center on various issues in pre-service training, candidate officer training, in-service training, promotion training and first aid training held at the Training Center. The main principles of the mutual cooperation protocol are to increase the academic skills of the Training Center staff, the contribution of Pamukkale University to the studies carried out at the Training Center and the research to be conducted by the University in penal institutions and probation directorates.

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