Poster Award to PAU Hospital

PAU Hospital Chest Diseases Department, received a poster presentation award with the work titled "A Clinical Education Model at the Intersection Point of Medicine and Education: Virtual Internship" at the XII. National Medical Education Congress.
The study was performed by Prof. Dr. Göksel Altınışık Ergur, Ayşegül Şükran Öz and Helin Yılmaz. PAU Hospital Chest Diseases Department Lecturer Prof. Dr. Göksel Altınışık Ergur made the following statement about the award they received; "In the virtual telemedicine internship, which has been implemented for the first time in our country and in the world for six months, students of medical faculties around the country are given voluntary training. This study was awarded a poster presentation after it was presented as a paper at the National Medical Education Congress." Expressing her gratitude to her team, Prof. Dr. Ergur stated that they will continue to work.

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