PAU and Zorlu Electricity Production Inc. Co. Signs a Cooperation Protocol

A comprehensive protocol was signed between Pamukkale University and Zorlu Doğal Elektrik Üretim A.Ş., (Zorlu Electricity Production Inc. Co) covering the provision of internship opportunities for students studying in the relevant departments of Engineering and Technology Faculties and the protection of the "Sarı Banbul" plant, an endemic species discovered in Zorlu Energy's production area.

At the protocol ceremony held at the Rectorate office, the text of the protocol was signed by Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan and Ali Er, Regional Manager of Zorlu Natural Electricity Production Inc. Geothermal Power Plants.

Rector Kutluhan: "We are proud that a company like Zorlu Enerji has investments in Denizli"

Regarding the protocol, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan reminded that Zorlu Enerji is one of the leading companies operating in our country and that it is proud that such a company has investments in Denizli. Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan expressed his satisfaction for signing a cooperation protocol for both the internship and the research of the "Sarı Banbul" plant, an endemic species, and wished that this protocol would be beneficial and that bilateral relations would move to better points.

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