Meaningful Interview on Bilateral Cooperation between PAU and Craiova University

Pamukkale University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, met in Romania with Vice Rector of Romania University of Craiova (UCV), with which PAU has an ERASMUS+.agreement and Prof. Dr. Eng. Dan Selisteanu and Director of the Research Department Prof. Dr. Eng. Oana Gingu within the scope of Erasmus+ program.
Following the transfer of information about the students, teaching staff and administrative staff of the universities at the meeting, the studies and projects carried out for research and development activities; information was exchanged on the activities and laboratory facilities for undergraduate and graduate education programs.

Presenting their wishes regarding the project titled "Clinical Key for Electrical Stimulation in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (CK4Stim)", carried out within the scope of ERASMUS+ Vocational Education and Training Cooperation Partnerships (KA220-VET), of which PAU is the executive and UCV is a partner. Prof. Dr. Eng. Dan Selisteanu emphasized that they want to realize bilateral cooperation agreements in different fields between PAU and UCV. In the following days, it was decided that they continue the negotiations by making preparations so that the relevant agreements could be made.

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