May 5th World Hand Hygiene Day

According to the World Health Organization, May 5 is celebrated as World Hand Hygiene. The importance of hygiene was once again emphasized, especially during the pandemic period.
PAU Hospital Infection Dpt. Faculty Member Suna Seçil Öztürk Deniz made a statement on the subject:"Hand hygiene practices have a critical importance on patient safety in health institutions. It is a scientifically proven fact that the provision of 'effective hand hygiene' contributes greatly to the prevention of nosocomial infections. Hand hygiene is a priority for the safety of patients and healthcare workers. However, compliance with hand hygiene in healthcare facilities remains insufficient globally. Therefore, WHO recommends implementing an effective multimodal hand hygiene improvement strategy that includes five elements: systems change, education and training, monitoring and feedback, reminders in the workplace and in communication, and safety climate and culture change." 

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