Internship Protocol from PAU and İŞKUR to Contribute to Employment

While PAU and Denizli Labor and Employment Agency (Denizli İŞKUR) are getting ready to reap the fruits of the cooperation protocol that they implemented last November, they signed a new cooperation. Speaking at the signing ceremony, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan said that as PAU, they rapidly transitioned to the applied education system and this signed protocol is a sign of this.
Within the scope of the cooperation protocol, Denizli İŞKUR will take an active role in the optional internships of the students, the determination of the appropriate company for the education and professional goals they have, and the meeting of the student and the company. Students will also have the opportunity to get to know the principles such as the operation and organization chart in the public and private sectors, with internships that will provide a work experience to reinforce their theoretical knowledge and professional qualifications. While choosing their fields of study, they will have the prior knowledge they will need through these internships.

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