Great Success from Pediatric Nephrology Department

The study titled "Screening the Children of Mothers with Type 1 Diabetes in terms of Urinary System Anomalies" carried out in Pamukkale University Hospital Pediatric Nephrology Department won the third prize among 290 poster presentations at the 57th Turkish Pediatrics Congress.
The department made statements as follows: "In our study, 20 mothers with type 1 diabetes who were followed up in the adult endocrinology department of our hospital were contacted and their children were evaluated in terms of urinary system anomalies. As a result, the frequency of urinary anomaly was found to be 5% in this population, consistent with the literature. Although our study is insufficient in terms of sample size, it has a critical importance in terms of being an example for future studies and laying the groundwork for larger studies planned to be carried out in our hospital."
The study was carried out under the leadership of the Chief Physician of our hospital Prof. Dr. Selçuk Yüksel from Department of Pediatric Nephrology, by Specialist from the Department of Pediatrics, Dr. Neslihan Yılmaz, Research Assistant Dr. Safanur Üstündağ and Dr. Büşra Şehitoğlu, Head of Endocrinology Department Güzin Fidan Yaylalı and Ergin Sağtaş from Radiology Department.

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