Forest Fire Fighting Volunteer Training Given at Serinhisar Vocational School


Forest Fire Fighting Volunteer Training was given to the staff and students of Serinhisar Vocational School by Serinhisar Forest Management Chief.

While the theoretical part of the training given by Serinhisar Forest Management Chief Güliz Karaman was held in the Serinhisar Vocational School Conference Hall, the practical part of the training was held in the garden of the school with the introduction of the fire extinguisher and the opportunity for the participants to put their theoretical training into practice.

In addition, students were informed about raising awareness about forest fires, the damages caused by forest fires to our forests and what to do in case of forest fires. Later, in the school garden, the students closely examined the all-terrain vehicles and first response vehicles. After the training, the students closely followed the fire personnel spraying water from the vehicles and first response vehicles, and took an exam in order to receive a certificate of participation in the Fight Against Forest Fires Volunteer.

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