February 4th World Cancer Day

Raising awareness about cancer, improving public awareness and cancer screening are among the most effective methods in the fight against cancer. In order to raise awareness, February 4 was declared as World Cancer Day. Related to the subject, PAU Hospital Medical Oncology Department Head of Prof. Dr. Gamze Gököz Doğu made statements:

The first and most important strategy is cancer prevention and basically includes a healthy lifestyle. We can summarize the protection recommendations as follows:

  • avoiding tobacco
  • be physically active
  • have a healthy weight
  • Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and grains, but low in saturated fat
  • avoiding alcohol consumption,
  • protecting against sexually transmitted infections
  • avoiding excessive exposure to sunlight.

On December 15, 2020, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a subsidiary of the World Health Organization, published the latest estimates of the global cancer burden, namely World Cancer Statistics. The GLOBOCAN 2020 database, available online as part of the IARC Global Cancer Observatory, provides estimates of incidence and mortality for 36 cancer types in 185 countries and all cancer types combined for 2020. 

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