Experts from The Business World Meet with Students at Honaz Vocational School Within The Scope of "University-Industry Cooperation" And "Career Planning Course"

Honaz Vocational School, Department of Management and Organization, University-Industry Cooperation and Career Planning Course brought together experts from the business world and students with an event held at Honaz Vocational School Conference Hall on December 23rd.
The students of the Department of Organization hosted the managers of important companies operating in Denizli within the scope of the University-Industry Cooperation Program and Career Planning course. Sirmersan Marble Human Resources Manager Neşe Gümüşsuyu and Personnel Specialist Ali Arda Gök, Sertel Group Logistics Human Resources Manager Yeliz Şenalp and Taşıtmatik Sales Manager Zühal Okursoy, Ekpen Textile Human Resources and Corporate Development Manager Ebru Yurtlu and Deputy Logistics Manager Serkan Tekelioğlu attended the event held at Honaz Vocational School Conference Hall.

The students, who had the opportunity to meet and chat with experts in the business world, were informed about production processes, quality understanding and sustainability projects by speakers from the business world. Information was given on logistics, business management, human resources activities and the competencies that employees working in these units should have, and students' questions were answered.

Honaz Vocational School Management and Organization Department Vice Head and course instructor Lecturer Mustafa Onur Kaçaroğlu stated that this organization is the application of the courses taken by the students and contributes to the formation of business logic and ideal business understanding in their minds.  Stating that they will hold a Department Advisory Board meeting at a future date in order to discuss the competencies that Denizli industry expects from candidate employees, Lecturer Kaçaroğlu said that they will evaluate the curriculum of the Department of Management and Organization together with the Department Advisory Board and report the results.

After the speeches made by experts from the business world, the event continued as the Career Planning course instructor, Vice Head of the Department of Management and Organization and Deputy Director of the School, Lect. Mustafa Onur Kaçaroğlu, responsible for the Career Planning course, presented certificates of appreciation to the participants.

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