Europe's Largest Career Fair EGEKAF'24 in Denizli

The Aegean Region Career Fair (EGEKAF), one of the career fairs organized in 11 regions with the participation of the host university and stakeholder universities under the coordination of the Presidential Human Resources Office (CBİKO), will bring together tens of thousands of students and graduates with the business world at Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Nihat Zeybekci Congress and Culture Center on 21-22 February 2024, hosted by Pamukkale University.

The Aegean Region Career Fair, which is part of the "Talent is Everywhere" career events as part of the e-human digital service approach, will be held in Denizli on February 21-22, 2024. This fair, which is one of the career fairs organized in 11 regions of Turkey since 2019, will be hosted by Pamukkale University under the coordination of the Presidential Human Resources Office (CBİKO) with the participation of 14 stakeholder universities.

The two-day fair will bring together tens of thousands of students from 15 universities operating in the Aegean Region with the business world. Students and graduates participating in the fair, whose main sponsors are Denizli Governorship, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality and Denizli Organized Industrial Zone, will have the chance to get first-hand information about job/internship opportunities and career opportunities with the human resources officials of the companies. While the companies, institutions/organizations participating in the fair will have the opportunity to introduce themselves, they will also be able to directly access qualified human resources by recognizing and collecting applications from students and graduates suitable for their business areas and positions. 

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan: The Summit of Career will be Experienced in Denizli

Pamukkale University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan expressed his happiness that the Aegean Region Career Fair will take place in Denizli hosted by Pamukkale University and said, "In this great organization, students, employers and business sectors will come together and thus the peak of career will be experienced here." Stating that they will open the doors of the Aegean Region Career Fair to tens of thousands of students and graduates, Rector Prof. Dr. Kutluhan stated that many events and competitions will be organized within the scope of the fair. 

At the Aegean Region Career Fair, students and graduates will have the opportunity to participate in various personal and professional development activities, interviews, interview simulations, introduction sessions, interviews, resume evaluation sessions, career talks and workshops. Within the scope of EGEKAF24, competitions such as IT competition, chess competition, debate competition, gastronomy competition, anatomy knowledge competition, esports competition will be organized where students and graduates can exhibit their professional knowledge and skills.

Main Themes of EGEKAF24: Sustainability, Digitalization and Environment

The main themes of EGEKAF24, which is Europe's largest career fair and aims to bring tens of thousands of young people together with the business world, were determined as sustainability, digitalization and environment. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, Rector of Pamukkale University, stated that they determined these themes by taking into account the trends of today's business world and young people, and that they planned a wide variety of activities within the framework of these themes within the scope of EGEKAF'24.

Accessible Fair, Accessible Career

Aegean Region Career Fair adopts the principle of equal opportunity for all students and graduates to encounter job opportunities. In this direction, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, Rector of Pamukkale University, the Aegean Region Career Fair 2024 Organizing Committee is producing disability-friendly solutions for disabled students, graduates and participants to visit the booths and participate in the activities in order to increase accessibility opportunities throughout the fair.

First of all, it is necessary to be a member of Talent Gateway

In order to participate in EGEKAF'24, students, graduates and companies must become a member of Talent Gateway and then register for the Aegean Region Career Fair 2024 among the regional career fairs. Yetenek Kapısı (Talent Gateway), an internet platform within the scope of "Talent is Everywhere" offered by the Human Resources Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey to universities and the business world, aims to contribute to the employment of students and graduates in accordance with their qualifications. The "Yetenek Kapısı" digital interaction platform, which enables young people and employers to stay in constant communication regardless of time and space, offers various opportunities to both students and graduates and employers. Students and graduates find the opportunity to meet the right employer in many different sectors by taking the first step into the career network through the profile they create on Yetenek Kapısı. They can also access many content such as career counseling, fairs, events and trainings through their profiles. Employers, on the other hand, can easily discover human resources with the qualifications they are looking for through "Talent Gateway" wherever they are in Turkey.

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