Entrepreneurship Awards Find Their Owners

In the KOSGEB Business Plan Award Contest, of which PAU and Pamukkale Technocity are stakeholders, and which was prepared to encourage entrepreneurs to start businesses, a total of 285 thousand TL grant support was provided. The awards were given to their owners with a ceremony held in the Ancient City of Laodikeia. Speaking at the ceremony, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan stated that they are getting closer to their goal of university-city cooperation with each passing day.
Speaking at the opening, DTO (Denizli Trade Union) Chairman of the Board Uğur Erdoğan reminded that there are important collaborations between public institutions, industrial companies and the University, and said that Denizli industry exports 2 thousand 400 types of products and that over ten companies from Denizli industry enter the top 500 in Turkey every year. He underlined that cooperation between institutions and organizations will continue, especially in the field of supporting women's cooperatives and women entrepreneurs. 

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