Donations to PAU Hospital Continue

Donations to Pamukkale University Hospital continue. Within the scope of donations; Gamateks Textile Inc. Co. Chairman of the Board of Directors Osman Aydınlı donated a new device.
Assoc. Dr. Erhan Uğurlu said; "We will continue to provide better service to our patients with the donation of a “Cryobiopsy Device” to be used in lung diseases and in the treatment of lung cancer, to be used in the Department of Chest Surgery and Thoracic Surgery, Dept. of Chest Diseases." 

PAU Hospital Central Director Prof. Dr. Murat Özban and Deputy Director of the Center Prof. Dr. Hakan Alkan and Assoc. Dr. Erhan Uğurlu attended the meeting.

Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Murat Özban thanked our philanthropist for their donations.

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