Denizli Travertine Geopark Joint Service Cooperation Protocol Signed between PAU and DBB

The Denizli Travertine Geopark Joint Service Cooperation Protocol between Pamukkale University and Denizli Metropolitan Municipality was signed by Denizli Governor Ömer Faruk Çoşkun, Mayor of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Osman Zolan and Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan.
A joint service cooperation protocol was signed between Denizli Governorship, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality and Pamukkale University for Denizli Travertine Geopark studies. Mayor Osman Zolan, Pamukkale University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, Chamber of Geological Engineers Denizli Branch President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Semiz, Pamukkale University faculty members Prof. Dr. Mehmet Özkul, Dr. Arzu Gül and representatives of relevant institutions were present at the signing ceremony held at Denizli Governorship.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan stated that the faculty members of the Department of Geological Engineering informed him about the Denizli Travertine Geopark in the first days of his term as Rector and reminded that they started negotiations with Denizli Metropolitan Municipality in order to bring this project to a better point. Prof. Dr. Kutluhan stated that they are happy to put the protocol into practice and that it is a very good protocol with different aspects for the tourism diversity and promotion of Denizli and its surroundings.

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