Operating Nurses Receive Their Training Certificates from Rector Kutluhan

The second of the Operating Room Nursing Certified Training Program organized by PAU Hospitals between October 2-31 was completed.

Pamukkale University Hospitals continue to be a guide in education in line with its institutional goals with certificate programs. Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, PAU Hospitals Deputy Chief Physicians Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erhan Uğurlu, Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Çelik, Assoc. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Akbudak, Assoc. Dr. Yusuf Özlülerden, Chief Manager Süleyman Gökmen, Chief Nurse Demet Ekici and her assistants attended the certificate delivery ceremony of the training program organized for the second time by PAU Hospitals.

Chief Nurse Ekici: "We tried to guide you together with our experienced operating room nurses"

Speaking at the ceremony, Chief Nurse Demet Ekici stated the following: "Since the day we took office, we are proud to have realized another one of the certificate programs that are part of the strong nursing model in every field we have targeted with our education nursing unit. We believe that success in the nursing profession will be achieved through the Lifelong Learning process. In this certificate program, we tried to guide you together with our experienced operating room nurses.  We believe that we have achieved our goal with your active participation. Finally, I would like to say that masterful life is learned from masters and I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, Rector of Pamukkale University, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan, Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Onur Birsen and all my colleagues who have contributed to our certificate program. I hope that you will continue to improve yourself continuously and take firm steps towards your goals and I wish you continued success."

Rector Kutluhan: "We are rapidly progressing towards becoming a guide in education"

Speaking at the ceremony, Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan said: "We are rapidly progressing towards becoming a guide in education. Today we are witnessing one more of these. The purpose of the surgical nursing certified training program, the second of which was completed by our hospital, is to teach surgical nursing as a profession that requires experience and expertise, as it is one of the important units of the hospital, by certified expert educators in the kitchen of the work within the scope of the training. In line with the goal we have set, we have endeavored to maintain corporate success with these certificate programs and to ensure the continuity of a more qualified service understanding by transferring their experiences to their new colleagues with the educator identities of the nurses working in my institution. I congratulate all our nurses who have completed their training and wish them good luck."

A total of 18 people from operating room nurses working in Afyon, Burdur, Bilecik, Denizli central and district state hospitals and PAU Hospitals participated in the program held at PAU Hospitals.  

In the closing program, certificates of participation to our trainees and certificates of appreciation to our trainers were presented by Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan and members of the Hospital Management.  Within the scope of the program, a short promotional video describing the surgical nursing in Pamukkale University Hospitals and a slide show prepared from the images obtained during the certificate training process were also made.

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