II. International Serahsî Symposium Starts with the Participation of Ali Erbaş, President of Religious Affairs

The opening ceremony of the II. International Serahsî Symposium, organized by Pamukkale University (PAU) Institute of Islamic Sciences and Kyrgyzstan Osh University Faculty of Theology on October 27-28, 2023, was held with the participation of the President of Religious Affairs Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş and Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Dr. Serdar Çam.

Rector Kutluhan concluded the opening speech by sharing with the guests the text of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's special message for the opening ceremony of the symposium.

Dr. Mehmet Akşit, President of the Gaye Foundation, delivered the first speech at the opening ceremony of the symposium where the influence of Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Abî Sahl al-Sarahsî (d. 483/1090), one of the cornerstones in the history of Islamic sciences with his life, views and works, and a name known by contemporary jurists in terms of legal notion and legal philosophy, and his contribution to the concept of the rule of law and the rule of law in the Islamic world will be discussed: "Dear President, Mr. Governor, Mr. Minister, Mr. Rectors, my professors, my esteemed father and teacher, I would like to express my endless gratitude for everyone who came from far and near. I would like to thank those who contributed to the realization of the symposium and wish the symposium to be a good one. Welcome, everyone."

Pamukkale University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan said the following in his speech at the ceremony "Reverend President of Religious Affairs, Mr. Minister, our esteemed MP, our esteemed Governor, Deputy Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality, my esteemed rector friends, our esteemed professors from Turkey and abroad, our students participating here, distinguished representatives of our press, I greet you all with respect. You have brought pleasure to the 2nd International Serahsî Symposium, welcome. I would like to thank the Presidency of Religious Affairs, the Gaye Foundation, the Governorship and the Metropolitan Municipality for making us experience and contribute to this fortunate event. May Allah be pleased with them."

After the gift presentations, the program continued with the opening conference. ISAM President Prof. Dr. Mürteza Badr delivered the opening lecture on 'Serahsī as a World Jurist'.

You can find detailed information about the symposium and the program at https://www.pau.edu.tr/islamiilimler/tr/sayfa/ii-uluslararasi-serahs%C3%AE-sempozyumu-ozet-bildiri-kitapcigiii-international-serahsi-symposium-summary-presentation-booklet .

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