"Food Chase" Project, in which PAU is a partner, is entitled to be supported by the European Commission

Within the scope of Erasmus+ Partnerships for Innovation- Alliances, the FOOD CHASE project, in which Pamukkale University (PAU) is a partner, was entitled to be supported by the European Commission.

Within the scope of Erasmus+ Partnerships for Innovation- Alliances, the FOOD CHASE project, in which PAU is a partner, has been entitled to be supported by the European Commission. The project will be carried out under the coordination of Cosvitec Societa Consortile from Italy; PAU and Denizli Chamber of Commerce from Turkey. The project aims to reduce food waste from soil to table.

Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arzum Işıtan (Project Coordinator), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömür Kaya Kalkan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Havva Boyacıoğlu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aysel Yeşilyurt Er, Lecturer. Assist. Mesut Aydınlı and Computer Operator Berkay Turgut and congratulated the Pamukkale University project team. 

Also in the project; Marea S.C.A.R.L. from Italy. and Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli Parthenope from Italy, Business Innovation Council srl and Universitatea Tehiica Cluj-Napoca from Romania, Instituto Politecnico De Viana De Castelo from Portugal, Institouto Anaptixis Epıcheirimatikotitas Astiki Etaireia and Research Innovation and Development Lab Private Company from Greece, Kypriaki Etaireia Pistopoiisis Limited and Strategic Omnia Research and Technology Development Ltd. and Scuola Universitaria Professionale Della Svizzera Italiana from Switzerland.

The food supply chain is under increasing pressure as a result of rapid and dynamic changes in the environment, technology, consumer behavior, policy making and climate, particularly in terms of effectively managing food security, food surplus, food loss and food waste. These developments have detrimental impacts on the food industry supply chain. One of the main problems of the food industry is the lack of rapid flow of information exchange between the different stages of the supply chain, which are often categorically fragmented even though they are tightly interconnected. 

The four stages of the supply chain are production, processing, distribution and consumption. The FOOD CHASE project aims to develop a reference framework at European Union level for vocational skills related to the reduction of food loss and food waste in the food industry. Within the project, the learning outcomes of the FOOD CHASE Competence Framework will be used for the creation of curricula that will create the innovative professional figure of the Farm to Fork Expert. The knowledge and experience acquired by this professional figure will then be used to renew the knowledge in each ecosystem and partner country, thus ensuring sustainability and circularity of the model.

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