'COME WITH AN IDEA' Entrepreneurship Program Starts

The 'Come with An Idea (Fikri Olan Gelsin)' entrepreneurship program organized by Pamukkale Technocity is starting.

In the entrepreneurship program organized, entrepreneurs will be introduced to motivation, entrepreneurship trainings and support programs from end-to-end, from idea to incorporation. At the end of the program, where full participation in the trainings is compulsory, participants will be given certificates and support will be provided for their incorporation processes. In addition, people with successful entrepreneurship stories and entrepreneur candidates will be brought together to share ideas.

Pamukkale Technocity's 'Fikri Olan Gelsin' training program will start with the narration of Career Coach Yelda Yolay. Scheduled to start on October 28, 2023, the training program will last for three weeks. The training program, the first of which will be completed on October 28, 2023, the second on November 4, 2023 and the last on November 11, 2023, will be held between 13.00-17.00 at Pamukkale Technocity conference hall. All citizens will be able to benefit from the training program free of charge.

The training content will include presentation techniques, entrepreneurship language and main elements, entrepreneur's action plan and manifesto, business plan training, leadership and management training, evaluation and reporting process, mentor coaching program. In addition, entrepreneurs will be registered in the Pamukkale Technocity Pre-Incubation system and will be entitled to free common use area. The first steps will be taken for incorporation by making a project pre-application to Pamukkale Technocity.

In the 3rd phase of the program, entrepreneur candidates whose pre-application for the project is accepted will be informed about the basic issues necessary for project preparation and project implementation. KOSGEB and TÜBİTAK supports will also be introduced and entrepreneurs will be provided with access to financial support sources. At the end of the program, applications will be taken to Pamukkale Technocity as incubation companies and those who successfully pass the evaluation will establish their incubation companies in the common use area.

Anyone can participate in the program; associate degree and undergraduate graduate entrepreneur candidates and university students will be able to continue after the project phase. Projects must be studies involving R&D and Innovation.

For application:


İlgili Haberler