"Approaches to Alzheimer's Disease in Turkey and Europe" Discussed at PAU

The closing meeting of the REMEM project supported by the Turkish National Agency and carried out by Pamukkale University (PAU) and the panel titled "Approaches to Alzheimer's Disease in Turkey and Europe" was held at PAU Faculty of Technology Conference Hall.
At the closing meeting of the project, panel presentations were made by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arzum Işıtan, Prof. Dr. Şahin Kapıkıran, Prof. Dr. Velittin Kalınkara and Aniello Gervasio from COSVITEC Societa Consortile Arl in Italy and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gratelia Dana Boca from Cluj Napoca Technical University in Romania, moderated by Prof. Dr. Evren Çağlarer.

At the end of the presentations, all faculty members and experts who are REMEM Project partners agreed that day care centers for Alzheimer's patients should become widespread.

At the end of the meeting, Necati Çallı from the Alzheimer's Association presented a short performance from the theater play "Stranger in the Mirror" about an Alzheimer's patient.

After the meeting, members of all project partner institutions came together at the dinner organized at PAU Havuzbaşı Restaurant with the participation of Vice Rector Prof. Dr. M. Ensar Yeşilyurt.

The REMEM Project, coordinated by Pamukkale University, is a project supported by the Turkish National Agency within the scope of Erasmus+ Adult Education Strategic Partnership and the partners of the project are Kırklareli University and Denizli Innovation Association (DİDER), COSVITEC Societa Consortile Arl from Italy and Cluj Napoca Technical University from Romania.

REMEM, an online and mobile application, aims to delay the progression of the current disease and provide more detailed information about the disease to the patient's relatives by using reminder applications. These applications include individual reminders, family video and family picture albums, various intelligence and personal skill games modules that provide personal comfort to the individual in daily life. In addition, within the scope of the REMEM project, the "Alzheimer's Information Book for Patient Relatives" was prepared in Turkish and English in order to provide more effective patient care for dementia and Alzheimer's patients and to guide patient relatives. With both the application developed and the books prepared as an information guide for relatives, it is aimed to help reduce the negativity of this disease. Within the scope of the project, a children's book titled "Memory Puzzle", narrated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sonnur Işıtan from Balıkesir University, was prepared for children in 4 different languages.

The application and information book prepared for the relatives of Alzheimer's and dementia patients and the story book "Memory Puzzle" aiming to introduce Alzheimer's disease to children can be obtained from the project website www.remem.eu.

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