X. International Maintenance Technologies Congress Starts under the Host of PAU

The 10th Maintenance Technologies Congress and Exhibition (BTKS 22) with international participation, which will take place on October 20-22 at Pamukkale University Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Yılmaz Congress and Culture Center, started with the opening ceremony.
Yunus Yener, Chairman of the Board of TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, drew attention to the importance of using digitalization in the correct and planned maintenance approach in order to reduce the foreign dependency of our country in machinery and production intermediate inputs and operating costs in today's increasing digitalization. Pointing out that the vocational training of maintenance personnel in maintenance engineering should be continued, Yunus Yener said that transitions should be made in the curriculum of universities to meet the practical needs of the field. He conveyed his thanks to the representatives of stakeholder institutions and organizations and companies, especially Pamukkale University, who supported them in the organization of the congress.

Speaking at the opening, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Necip Atar, on the occasion of this congress, expressed his pleasure to be together with institutions, organizations and companies operating in the fields of machinery and technologies, and wished that it would be a congress where productive outputs on maintenance technologies would be obtained.

Thirty-four companies operating in different fields opened stands in the Foyer Area of ​​PAU Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Yılmaz Congress and Culture Center. During the three-day congress, various conferences, presentations, exhibitions and trainings will be held in fourteen sessions.

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