Two Projects of the Faculty of Education Accepted by TUBITAK

The projects of Pamukkale University Education Faculty Mathematics Education and Preschool Education Departments were supported by TUBITAK.

The project prepared by Mathematics Education Department Lecturer Dr. Emine Gaye Çontay within the scope of TÜBİTAK 2237-A was accepted. Students who have master's and doctorate education in the field of mathematics education can participate in the project called "Proof Applications in Mathematics Education". In this project; it was aimed to underline the applications of proof, which are not often underlined in the curriculum, with certain proof activities. The application time and participation conditions for the event, which will be held between September 30 and October 3, will be announced later.

Another project supported by TÜBİTAK was “From Teacher to Child: Supporting Self-Regulation Skills in Preschool Period” within the scope of TÜBİTAK 4005 Science and Society Innovative Education Practices. The project, led by Faculty of Education, Basic Education Pre-School Department Lecturer Prof. Dr. Asiye İvrendi, aimed to increase preschool teachers' awareness of the conceptual foundations of self-regulation and to improve their ability to implement an intervention program to support children's self-regulation skills in their own classrooms. 

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