TEI General Manager Prof. Dr. Mahmut Akşit Talks about "Engine Industry" at EGEKAF24 hosted by PAU

TEI General Manager Prof. Dr. Mahmut Faruk Akşit attracted great attention with his speech on "Engine Industry" on the second day of the Aegean Career Fair 2024, which took place on February 21-22, hosted by PAU under the coordination of the Presidential Human Resources Office.

On the second day of EGEKAF24, Prof. Dr. Mahmut Faruk Akşit, General Manager of TEI, came together with university students and graduates with his speech titled "Engine Industry". Prof. Dr. Akşit, who shared his brief background and examples from his career life, gave a brief introduction about TEI company and explained the activities carried out by Turkish Aircraft Industry and TAI Engine Industry.

Prof. Dr. Akşit, General Manager of TEI: "If you give up when you are challenged, you will never achieve anything, you must persevere."

Starting his speech by expressing his happiness to be at EGEKAF24, TEI General Manager Prof. Dr. Mahmut Faruk Akşit said the following in his speech "First of all, you know I am from here, I am from Denizli. If you give up when you are challenged, you will never achieve anything, you will continue stubbornly. You will plan your work correctly from the beginning. For example, the National Wind Tribune project. Before I became the General Manager of TEİ, I was in charge of the project. There were about 120 different researchers. We built our first National Wind Tribune, a 500kw - 50-meter giant machine, and brought it to the field. We had large gears produced for the first time in Turkey."

Prof. Dr. Akşit, General Manager of TEI: "As TEI, we do not only make national engines. We produce parts for almost every airplane you are currently flying."

Prof. Dr. Akşit: "As TEİ, we do not only make national engines. We produce parts for almost every airplane you are currently flying. We actively produce thousands of parts for more than fifty engines around the world, and we carry out twenty thousand different manufacturing processes daily in our factory. We produce the engines of the most widely used airplanes in the world. You fly from Denizli to Istanbul with these airplanes. We are the biggest supplier of BOEING 737 and AIRBUS 320 in particular. The engines of all F-16 fighter jets currently used by our army are all produced and assembled in our Eskişehir facilities. As a company, we also produced the engines for Solo Türk. We also provide services abroad from Eskişehir. Currently, we bring the F-110 engines of the Oman Air Force, Saudi Air Force, Bahrain Air Force and Singapore Air Force, and maintain them here. We also produce helicopter engines, and have been producing them under license since 2018. We have produced 89 engines so far. Our engines, which we delivered to the gendarmerie for the first time in 2022, have entered the inventory and are flying. We have produced a record-breaking engine in its class. The record-breaking engine is a record not only in terms of the power it generates, but also in the fact that it was brought to this state in two and a half years from the start of the project.

Prof. Dr. Mahmut Faruk Akşit: "There is nothing you cannot do when you work."

Don't underestimate yourself. There is nothing you cannot do when we work. I gave the example of engines. It is a difficult technology, a really difficult technology. Others have done it, we have done it, and I hope you will do it in the future. First of all, you should start learning from yourself. Yunus Emre is a great figure we all know. He was both a poet who wrote poems in the Turkish language and a saint. There are very good lessons in every word he says, right? What he says: "Knowledge is to know knowledge, knowledge is to know yourself, you don't know yourself, how much reading is that?" If you don't know yourself, it means you cannot manage yourself. First you will know yourself, you will manage your weaknesses so that they do not manage you. You will discover your strengths and develop them further. Allah has given everyone a talent. Each of the billions of people sitting here has different talents. Even identical twins are not the same. Everyone has a God-given talent and it is up to you to find out what it is. If you find it and work on it, you will do great things. Discover your talent and try to develop it.

"Cowards cannot erect monuments of victory, you must be brave."

Prof. Dr. Akşit said, "You cannot make money without risk. A person who has never made a mistake has never done anything. It is not something to be proud of. Human beings make mistakes. But the important thing is to do it in a controlled manner so as not to cause serious damage. You will learn from mistakes. If you do nothing, you will not be criticized, no one will stone you, but no one will do anything. Cowards cannot erect monuments of victory, you have to be brave."

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