Sustainable Thermal Tourism Discussed and Local Food Tasted at PAU

The 'May 20-21 Sustainable Thermal Tourism Congress' event was held, hosted by Pamukkale University (PAU) Tourism Faculty and supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Denizli Governorship, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality and Pamukkale Municipality. In addition, “Denizli Cuisine Tasting Festival” attracted great attention within the scope of the event.
Making statements about Denizli Cuisine Tasting Festival, Prof. Dr. Serkan Bertan stated that it is important to preserve our cultural values, which are very rich in terms of local food and culinary culture of our country, and to transfer them to future generations and to raise awareness. Expressing that it is important to increase awareness, understand local values ​​and transfer cultural heritage for the protection of cultural heritage, Prof. Dr. Bertan said that the incentive to protect the said values ​​should be established. In order for a region to get the share it deserves from tourism activity on a national and international scale, it must be able to promote its cultural values ​​effectively. Organizing tasting festivals in this direction will allow the cultural heritage to be promoted more effectively and efficiently. Prof. Dr. Bertan concluded his statements on the subject as follows: “With this festival, important steps will be taken to participate in the network of gastronomic cities by taking the necessary measures to protect and keep alive the local values ​​that are at risk of being lost over time.
Pamukkale Mayor Avni Örki stated the following in his speech: “I heartily congratulate Pamukkale University. They brought together the delicious local flavors of Denizli and signed this beautiful program. I also congratulate the Mayors of our District Municipalities, they have brought the richness of their districts here. I wish the program will be beneficial for all parties."

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