Sustainability in Textiles Workshop Hosted by PAU

"Sustainability in Textiles Workshop" organized by Pamukkale University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Textile Engineering and TMMOB Chamber of Textile Engineers (TMO) Denizli Branch started at PAU Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Yılmaz Congress and Culture Center.

The workshop, which will take place on November 15-16, will consist of a total of 7 sessions and aims to share the experience and knowledge of the stakeholders who shape the sector with the participants of the workshop.

TMMOB TMO President Onur: "In the process starting from the material to the monitoring of the final product, there has been a serious shift towards sustainable missions, visions and competencies."

The opening speech of the Sustainability in Textile Workshop held at PAU Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Yılmaz Congress and Culture Center was made by Gökhan Onur, Chairman of TMMOB TMO Denizli Branch Board of Directors. Gökhan Onur noted the following in his speech: "I would like to thank our Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan for his support in organizing this workshop at Pamukkale University. As TMMOB TMO, which celebrates the 30th anniversary of our establishment, we are proud to hold this workshop in Denizli with our stakeholders. The concept of sustainability and its rapid rise in our lives, the need for information at every point of textile production has carried us to the point where we have to take steps. In the process starting from the material to the monitoring of the final product, there have been serious trends towards sustainable missions, visions and competencies. There has been a need to integrate the spirit of the concept of sustainability with the spirit of the company. In this context, together with our University, which is the starting point of our profession, we believe that this workshop will contribute to the understanding of competence and management in TMO Denizli and we have set out with this in mind. We will always be the supporter of this important event, which we have realized for the first time in Denizli, and as TMO, we will continue to act with our stakeholders in every area and region where it is needed as it is today. I wish the workshop to be productive; I present my regards."

Prof. Dr. Turhan: "In this century, it has been understood that production alone does not mean anything for development, it must be sustainable, in other words, it is the only right way to ensure economic development without harming the nature and social environment."

PAU Textile Engineering Department Head Prof. Dr. Yıldıray Turhan stated the following in his speech: "Since the beginning of industrialization in the 18th century, the production and economic development network has been causing irreparable damage to our nature and humanity. In the late 20th century, it was realized, albeit belatedly, that we need to understand the cause of climate change. However, this change and its causes have caused irreparable damage. It seems that the current century will be a time of great effort to make up for our mistakes and repair the damage we have done. In this century, it has become clear that production alone does not mean anything for development; in other words, it is the only right way to ensure economic development without harming nature and the social environment. As scientists, we are aware of this fact and have taken on this responsibility. We will play an important role in informing, compensating for damages and providing guidance in this regard. For this reason, such a workshop will be a start for our University and us."

Dean Prof. Dr. Ağdağ "If textile technologies, sustainability of textiles as well as the development of textiles in harmony with the environment are taken into consideration in this workshop, I believe that it will be better in the development of the textile sector for the future processes."

PAU Faculty of Engineering Dean Prof. Dr. Osman Nuri Ağdağ stated the following in his speech: "The term sustainability is an important word that has entered the literature in the last 20-25 years. In this workshop, the concept of sustainability related to textile production, textile technologies and perhaps marketing will be mentioned a lot. As a faculty member of the Department of Environmental Engineering, I would like to talk a little bit about sustainability at the intersection of textile and environmental engineering at the point of production by protecting nature and causing the least damage to nature. The textile sector is a sector that consumes energy intensively and at the same time water use is very high, especially in dyehouses. In 1996, when I came to Denizli as a research assistant, it was said that when drilling was done to extract groundwater in Denizli, water was extracted from 30 meters. Today, water can only be found at depths of more than 200 meters and 250 meters. In this respect, I think that we can ensure sustainability in terms of soil pollution, water pollution and air pollution by protecting the environment together with the developments in the textile sector. Because industrialization without protecting the environment shows us that it is not sustainable in the future. Global warming, climate change and carbon emissions are very important agenda items all over the world. In 2030, carbon emissions are expected to decrease by one and a half times, while in G20 countries, these emissions have increased by 5.3 times. This is an issue that needs to be thought about and focused on intensively. For this reason, I believe that if textile technologies, textile sustainability, as well as the development of textiles in harmony with the environment, at least as an idea, are taken into consideration in this workshop, it will be better for the development of the textile sector in the future. I wish it to be a productive symposium and I offer my regards to all of you."

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