'Stop Child Abuse!' Themed Conference Held

Pamukkale University Honaz Vocational School organized a conference with the theme "Stop Child Abuse!".
Saadet Teacher Association for Combating Child Abuse (UCIM) Denizli Representative Didem Cabi Seçal and UCIM Aegean Region Responsible Psychological Counselor Özlem Badur were the speakers at the conference. Presentations were made on "Raising Awareness on Child Abuse". Honaz Vocational School Office Management and Executive Assistantship Program students attended the conference organized within the scope of Social Responsibility and Ethics course.

UCIM Denizli Representative Didem Cabi Seçal, who made the first speech of the conference, gave information about UCIM Saadet Teacher Association for Combating Child Abuse and gave examples from the historical process of child neglect and abuse and research done. Ms. Seçal also shared some recent data on child neglect and abuse in Turkey. In her speech, Seçal also talked about the mission of UCIM, the general distribution of the members of the association according to professions, the active provincial organizations of the association, and the number of notifications made to the association.

"We must create an environment of trust and love between us and children"

In the following part of the conference, UCIM Aegean Regional Responsible Psychological Counselor Özlem Badur shed light on the psychological dimension of child abuse. In this context, she first provided information on how to approach children and what to pay attention to when communicating with children. Then, she shared her experiences on how to communicate and how to treat a child who has been abused and stated that children should be informed about abuse from an early age. Badur said, "If children encounter a wrong situation, they should tell it to people they trust. For this, we need to create an environment of trust and love between us and them."

After the speeches, Honaz Vocational School Director Prof. Dr. Hülya Kabakçı Karadeniz, presented certificates of appreciation to Didem Cabi Seçal, Denizli Representative of the Saadet Teacher Association for Combating Child Abuse (UCIM), and UCIM Aegean Regional Responsible Psychological Counselor Özlem Badur.

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