Social Media Addiction Discussed at PAU

Social media and addiction were discussed in the talk titled “Youth and Social Media” organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Council of Higher Education and hosted by PAU.
In the interview, which was organized with the aim of creating production-oriented social media use and awareness of university youth, the effects of social media on society and individuals and social media addiction were emphasized.

Assoc. Dr. Ebru Güzel said that when it comes to youth and the internet, it is necessary to look at social media; she also stated that short-term pleasures are pumped in social media and social media addiction is increasing. Güzel noted that in the social media, where individuals are commodified as selves, selves move away from qualitative values ​​and begin to be seen as quantitative values. Emphasizing that social media should be well analyzed how it presents worlds, Assoc. Dr. Güzel said: “We are being drawn into a world whose boundaries and concepts are drawn by companies.” 

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