Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan's Message to Staff and Students on PAU's Accreditation Process

Pamukkale University (PAU) Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan issued a message to the staff and students about the accreditation process. Rector Kutluhan said, "If we want to be a strong and successful university in every field, continuous development and improvement should become our culture as an institution."

Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan stated the following in his message: "Dear Pamukkale University Family; Since the day we took office, we have been carrying out our quality, improvement and sustainability studies in cooperation with all our academic and administrative units in a determined way. We have come a long way especially in the quality assurance system and accreditation studies of our university. In order to register these achievements, we applied to the Higher Education Quality Board Institutional Accreditation Program and were accepted to the accreditation evaluation process. On this occasion, I would like to thank all our staff who participated in the studies and every stakeholder who contributed."

Rector Kutluhan: "Quality in higher education is primarily about educating competent and meritorious individuals by preparing our students for life in a changing and transforming world."

"Together with our academic staff, administrative staff and students, we are committed to improving quality in all processes. Quality in higher education is primarily about preparing our students for life in a changing and transforming world and raising competent and meritorious individuals. This idea forms the basis of our vision of "University is the guide of life". We aimed to develop and sustain all our management, leadership and quality processes, especially education and training, R&D, social contribution and all our management, leadership and quality processes with this perspective and in an integrated manner. In line with these goals, we have ensured that our students are involved in the processes. We came together with our students at certain intervals and listened to their opinions and suggestions, and we continue to listen to them. Our Quality and Continuous Improvement Community, formed by our students, continues its active work to contribute to the processes. "

Click here to watch the full message.

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