Rector Kutluhan: "Joys and happiness increase when shared, pain decreases when shared"

Pamukkale University (PAU) Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kutluhan published a message on the occasion of Eid al-Adha. In his message; he emphasized that our holidays, which deepen our human feelings, activate our feelings of compassion, and make us realize our responsibilities towards ourselves and our environment, also reinforce our feelings of cooperation and solidarity.
“The feelings of solidarity, cooperation, tolerance and brotherhood that exist in the culture of this heavenly homeland we live on gain even more meaning with the holidays. It is extremely important to remember our helpless citizens in our society and to be instrumental in putting a smile on their faces, while experiencing the beauties and happiness of the holiday, on these special days when we intensely experience these feelings, which are reinforced by the customs and traditions inherent in Turkish culture, under the leadership of our religion, Islam.”

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