Rector Kutluhan Heralds the Collaboration Between PAU and TEI

Within the scope of the protocol planned between PAU and TEI (Tusaş Motor Industry Inc.), the students of the Faculty of Technology and the Faculty of Engineering will be entitled to participate in the long and short term engineering internship program.

Within the scope of cooperation protocol; Students of the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Automotive Engineering Departments of the PAU Technology Faculty, who pass from the 3rd to the 4th grade and who are in the first, second and third grades in their departments, will gain experience with the long-term engineering internship program.

In addition, students who pass from the 3rd to the 4th year of the Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Departments of the Faculty of Engineering and who are the first in their departments will be able to participate in the short-term engineering internship program at TEI.

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